Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm back! (again)

Hello guys! Sevalbar here. It's been a while since I've write a blog, you probably have alredy checked my other blogs, "Sevalbar Adventures" or "Sevalbar in Club Penguin", but I don't have write there anymore because I never had time to write a new blog post and keep a blog active. Rigth now I haven't been busy so it seems I will start a blog again. I will also try to keep it for a very long time so I can keep you guys updated.

Has for the is ALL about iPandanda!

Has most of you may know, Pandanda, one of the most awsome game I've ever played, is closed. However,   I've found iPandanda. What is iPandanda you asked? iPandanda is the ONLY way to play Pandanda until it opens again, so if you enjoyed Pandanda you can still enjoy it at iPananda. Also, at iPandanda everyone has a LOT of money and gold and is a Elite Member. iPandanda is being developed, so rigth now you can't do some things like do quests or buy items from Questy.

I hope you guys really enjoy the blog!

Sevalbar ;D

P.S.: Sorry for some grammar errors, english is not my main language :P

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